Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Garth George - Super Tard

I've had a gutsful of Garth George. He's just another old windbag whining on and on about abortion on his crappy column in the NZ Herald. He believes that abortions are to blame for our pension laws and everything else he considers wrong in our society.

Garth is most upset that pregnant women are being offered ante natal screening which picks up fetal abnormalities such as Down's Syndrome and other disabilities in the first and second trimester. Parents are being offered abortions as an option and Garth George can't handle it. Him and that bastard from Right to Lie, Ken Orr have made a complaint to the Office of Human Rights Proceedings claiming that antenatal screening for Down's Syndrome is akin to murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Of course this is ridiculous. Ante natal screening is a personal choice and it's got nothing to do with Garth George who thinks he's a fucking hero just because he has an adult son with Down's Syndrome. Why doesn't the old cunt get off his arse and do something to help people with disabilities rather then running around town trying to save non existant egg babies? I mean there are all these parents looking after their disabled adult children and not getting paid for it - why doesn't Garth do something to help them instead of poking his hairy old nose where it doesn't belong?

You know if you look at Garth George closely you can make out that he is slightly retarded. Maybe that's why he's such a bigotted arsehole? What a shame we never had ante natal screening when Garth was concieved. He may never have even been born and then we wouldn't have to listen to this bullshit artist and his moronic lies and crap.

 And how the hell does an idiot like Garth get to have his own column in the Herald? I want one too!